This fall, I was blown away by a short, powerful speech at DisruptHR on the challenging topic of diversity and inclusion. Just five minutes long, “Radical Inclusion” was the talk given by Ellen Kapoor whose witty and thoughtful insights hit exactly on challenges we have faced with the #4TechDivesity blog series, including the fact that diversity is not an easy and comfortable thing to talk about. After hearing Ellen speak, I knew we needed to add her voice to #4TechDiversity’s executives and thought leaders weighing in on diversity.
Now before you zip off to watch this HR and leadership development expert talk (which I recommend you do soon), let me first encourage you to spend time below reading Ellen’s thoughts on how businesses are doing when it comes to inclusion and what the election results could mean for diversity efforts. Ellen’s impressive HR work for companies such as Dyson and McGraw-Hill Education has led her to her current role as Manager of Talent Management and Leadership Development for ITW, a global manufacturing leader. I am so glad to welcome her and her bold optimistic messages to #4TechDiversity.